Your goal for today: Explore the world of burgers and make each one a bit better with this super easy sauce
I promise this won‘t be one of those very long blog posts. The simple reason: I really don‘t know what to write. The recipe is explained within one sentence and I could write a roman of stories that aren‘t connected to this recipe so just random or you just read the other delicious recipes if you want more from my unique writing style. Just joking. This sauce is a game changer and really needed when you want to cook the tomorrow released recipe. Little spoiler:). I am addicted to this sauce. It is super light and delicious and even perfect for hot summer days, when you actually don‘t feel like eating a burger. Apropos burger or actually meat: A really funny story crossed my mind. My sister was invited to a birthday party and I got to pick her up with my mum because there is always something to eat for me:). Anyways, they had a dog and grilled some sausages and veggies and cheese. You know. And I was the only one eating vegetarian at the table and the dog always came to me. So I was like his little sausage. In this moment it wasn‘t very funny at all because I have a little anxiety towards dogs but nevermind. In retrospect it was kinda funny….
Keep calm and use this delicious sauce
Now the worldshaking preparation to this sauce:
Level of difficulty: -10000000000000000000000
You basically mix the ketchup with the sour cream, some vinegar, cut prickles and sugar…… tada!
Just watch out: ketchup can be tricky- take care of your white shirt:)
- 2 Tbsp ketchup
- 3 Tbsp sour cream
- A glug of vinegar
- a pinch of sugar
- 1 prickle
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